Museum News
December 2024
First I would like to thank all our visitors and Friends for another wonderful year, as always it is a pleasure to meet new people and to welcome back some old friends. We have also had some interesting Group Visits and some fantastic feedback, it is always so rewarding to receive an appreciative comment in the book
or a thank you email from Visitors.
.In truth they are invaluable to us, it helps us to decide what direction to take as we plan the next years events and displays.
This year began with a trip to 'Wonder Wool Wales'
the week before our spring opening.
We took a costume display from the Museum and a selection of Knitting implements which generated a lot of interest.
We also launched our Hattersley fund raiser, which we will be continuing throughout the winter, whilst hopefully we start to build her new shed. You can read more about the Hattersley below, or you can go to the links page to find out more about our fundraising projects.
Our Hattersley
The Museum is dedicated to the history of the Welsh Textile Industry, However as a maker at heart the thought of producing some quality cloth is never far from my mind, The Hattersley Domestic was introduced in the early 1900s, now famed for being the loom used by the Harris Crofters to weave the original single width Tweed, It was also adopted by a number of small mills around Wales, Being foot powered it could be operated even when the river was dry and a water driven mill could do no other work, therefore it was perfect addition to a small mill.
Getting her Weaving Again
The Hattersley is perfect for weaving Flannels and Tweeds,
Our Aim is to see her weaving again,
first of all we have to build her a light and dry weaving shed,
Once she is in a safe and dry atmosphere we can set about getting her up and running,
I somehow doubt she will
run without a little love, care and a few replacement parts, but applying the 'where there is a will there is a way' principle, I hope soon to be weaving our own
Museum Tweed
and Flannel.
Fund Raising
We aim to build her shed with plenty of natural light, having large glass windows will also mean that visitors can view the work in progress.
We initially estimated a cost of £6,000.00 to build her her house and start the set up.
We begun fundraising this year at Wonder Wool with a selection of hand made pincushions, I have lost count of exactly how many I have made but as we approach the year we are well on our way to the first £2,000.00.
We will of course be continuing into the New Year hoping to get to the 2,000.00 mark by the time the weather is good enough to make a start on the building.